Haryana CRID Panchayat Local Operator (CPLO)

The Haryana Parivar Pehchan Authority (HPPA) and Citizen Resources Information Department (CRID) have released the CRID Panchayat Local Operator (CPLO) recruitment notification for 2024. This recruitment is for filling the posts of Panchayat Local Operators (PLO/CPO) across Haryana. The selected candidates will work on tasks assigned by CRID and HPPA on a transaction basis, as well as work on tasks given by Gram Sachivs in Panchayats with monthly remuneration.

नोट: यदि कोई लिंक ग़लत दिया गया हो या लिंक ऊपर नीचे करना हो या कोई लिंक Add करना हो हमें SMS करें आपकी सुविधा अनुसार लिंक को चेंज कर दिया जाएगा।

CPLO Salary Information

Important Links

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विकास एवं पंचायत विभागClick Here
CPLO Status all InformationClick Here
CPLO Attendance appClick Here
Beneficiary PortalClick Here
PPP OfficialClick Here
PPP Data VerificationClick Here
PPP Income appClick Here
Citizen Data Verification PortalClick Here
Audit OnlineClick Here
e-Gram Swaraj PortalClick Here
PFMS (Public Financial Management System)Click Here
Resolution Monitoring SystemClick Here
GeM Integration (Government e Marketplace)Click Here
GPDP (Gram Panchayat Development Plan)Click Here
Rural Asset DirectoryClick Here
Panchayat Nirnay PortalClick Here
Panchayat Lekha Jokha PortalClick Here
FDMS SFCClick Here

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